Appalachian Conservation Corps (ACC) operates and supports a variety of service programming in various locations across Appalachia. Each program model offers unique opportunities to youth, young adults, and veterans through projects that promote professional development and environmental stewardship.
ACC Programs
Individual Placements
ACC Individual Placements (IPs) work with federal and regional land management agencies and environmentally focused nonprofits on specialized projects across Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, DC, and Pennsylvania. Specialized roles include education and interpretation, invasive plant management, digital design and science communication, historical research and preservation, and cultural and natural resource management. Learn more here - Individual Placements
Adult Crews
ACC adult crews offer an immersive experience with participants (ages 18-30) completing hands-on conservation service work to complete meaningful projects on public lands. Adult crews are available every spring, summer, and fall with most crews working and camping on a hitch schedule - typically 9 days on followed by 5 days off. Learn more here - Adult Conservation Crews
Youth Crews
ACC youth crews introduce youth aged 16-18 to community service and environmental conservation through hands-on project work. Projects may include trail construction and maintenance, habitat improvement, improvements to recreation access, re-vegetation, and much more. Through a combination of education, service, and professional development, youth crews provide a well-rounded, challenging, productive, and beneficial experience. Learn more here - Youth Conservation Crews

Veteran Fire Corps
The Veteran Fire Corps program provides the opportunity for veterans aged 21-35 to work and live alongside other vets, while receiving training and on-the-job experience in wildland firefighting and natural resource management. This program prioritizes veterans who are looking for a way to transition from military to civilian service, building upon the knowledge and leadership skills gained while serving in the armed forces. Learn more here - Veterans Fire Corps